Friday, March 20, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. Have you ever done something in the past that you just stopped doing because of certain reasons? But you actually just want to do it because you can't let that go? I had. I actually did want to finish a certain game that I want to play but since of health reasons, I cannot do it. But now, all seems quite well, I'm trying to do so that I can eventually let it go.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Valkyrie - A Review

Blame it on my fascination of ancient history.

I just have this inconsistent interest in World History that's why I watched this movie. And because of a love interest that is quite blooming. The latter reason is the more important one though. Anyway.

The movie revolves around the story of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and his plot of assassinating Adolf Hitler during World War II using Operation Valkyrie.

You can check out this site for the whole synopsis of the film.

Over all, the film was OK but it could not make me applaud. It was quite a letdown for me. It because was expecting a bit more on the story. I was expecting the movie to provide more scenes to the viewers on the "reasons" why they would plan to kill Herr Hitler. As the said in the synopsis, the assassination attempt - the film pretty much delved only on the whole plan on how the conspirators would attempt to kill him. In addition, it was a very straight forward movie. It lacked twist and you know where the story would lead.

But I still enjoyed it.

Perhaps the knowledge I gained that at least someone in the history of man will make a difference and stand with his principles to save his fellow countrymen from a madman and make the world a better place was an eye-opener and served as an inspiration for me.