Friday, October 9, 2009

A Really Rainy Weekend with Ondoy - Part 2

There's so much left to say on this story. But I think it's time to leave it to history and let it go.

A Really Rainy Weekend with Ondoy - A Story Part 1

It's been two weeks since Ondoy struck the country with its wrath. And look at the devastation it caused! In a short span of time, the entire Manila (most of it) was submerged in water. The storm caused massive property damage and lives were lost; not only with the flood victims, but some of the volunteer rescuers as well. PAGASA noted that Ketsana (international name of Ondoy) bought 13.43 inches of rain in the six hours between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. local time, which is equivalent to about a month's worth of rain for the area.

I can say much since we are one of the typhoon victims.

It was just another Saturday for me to rest. But that Saturday, September 28 2009 was a weekend to remember. I was woken up my dad around 9:30 AM since he noted that the water in our creek was getting higher and higher. So we packed up some of our clothes ad elevated a few appliances that we have.

It was me, my dad, two of my younger sisters and two of our househelp that were around. But we weren't expecting that the water would rise very high...and very fast. After packing up, turning off the switches(including the main electric switch), sealing plug outlets, elevating appliances we headed to one of our neighbors in a higher place in the same village. But it was quite late.

As noted earlier, the water level was rising very fast. The vehicle that we were riding (a SUV) wasn't able to pass! The current was fast now and the water level is waist deep (and I'm 5'10"!). Because of that, we left the vehicle. I was tasked to bring my siblings and the helpers to safety and we treaded on foot to a neighbor's house.My dad went back to the car and was helped by a few men in the area where we left the car and pushed it to safety to higher ground.