Saturday, July 21, 2007

Food Food Food

I've been going on a diet for the last three months to ready myself for my next date.

And its killing me.

I literally starve myself just to lessen the fat deposits already accumulated through out my body.

( "Maintain your 2000 calories per day diet or else.. " said my doctor).

But I found two treasures that can satisfy your sweet tooth and not worry much about your diet! ( Well, sort of..)

1. Holy Kettle Corn Popcorn

I've been bingeing on these for the last month everytime I eat lunch with my office mates, and I don't feel the guilt! It's really good! It's popcorn with a twist, it has a sugary-salty taste that makes it so addicting.

It's best shared. Do not attempt to finish the Big bag all by yourself.

Damage: the Small bag costs 25 pesos while the Big bag is 60 pesos.
Area: They can be found almost anywhere!

2. Cafe Breton

We had a dinner out with my office mates last week and they suggested this place. I've never been to Cafe Breton before but after I tasted their crepes, I really enjoyed it.

Try their Le Magnifique crepe. It has a banana and chocolate filling, topped with almonds, whipped cream and more chocolate. Again, do not attempt to eat this alone. We ordered two of this, we're six, and didn't even finish it!

And its a good date place, by the way. : )

Damage: Their crepes ranges from 150 to 200 pesos and can serve two persons.
Location: Ground Floor, Greenbelt 3


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