Friday, December 28, 2007

What is Lost is Lost!


I lost my cellular phone! Its a Motorola SLVR 7 in black.

I was about to celebrate our anniversary this week ( bought it December 2006), but it seems that we cannot spend our time together. *sniffs*

I was returning home from work when I passed by a supermarket ( the last time I saw my phone) near our village and walked to the tricycle stand and went home. I arrived home and greeted my family and went to bed. I didn't really know what happened but when I woke up the next morning, I can't find it!

There are only two possible things that went down. "Nadukutan ako kagabi" or I carelessly let it fall somewhere yesterday night.

It was lost! Oh well...

I learned two things.

First, check your things every now and then. I think it was one moment I didn't bother to check my things and it was gone. So much for procrastination and ignorance.

Two, learning how to let go lost things. No matter how much effort to find something that is impossible to be recovered, you must let it go. ~ You can start anew right?

Hmmm...starting the New Year without a cellular phone. That's something new!

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