Sunday, May 24, 2009


For the past weeks, I have been figthing with this feeling inside of me. I don't know. I just feel..alone. It seems like everywhere I go, I feel that way. The people I talk to at the office, the people at home, the people at my Saturday class..everyone. I have received a few text messages to some people but its content seems so superficial. It feels so bad having this drag inside of your, carrying it through out the day, everyday. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry. But it does not lose that feeling. I need a break from this. I need something. Perhaps someone...

"People don't care - I say"

Some say loneliness is a choice. Other say its just a state of mind. But how do I believe that since everyone around you seems to be alright. I envy those people who are so carefree and light, like that they don't care about anything, except happiness.

When will I be truly happy?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Absent! Present Ulit!

It's been a while since I posted an entry here. Let's just say that my mind was very occupied and I wasn't adjusted to it yet. Work was literally frying my mind and making me unhealthy. Late na kasi ako umuuwi. So most of the time, when I go, I just suit up for bed. And sleep. The routine goes on and on everyday. For months mind you. Even my social life has been compromised! I haven't joined any organization or underwent any activity all those days. I just rest and eat. Nakaka-bore na din minsan. But all is about to change. At least, I'm a bit adjusted and I intend to join a few classes by next month. That's why I'm excited.

By June, I'm gonna join a public speaking class in UP-KAL, or perhaps at Trumpets Inc.

And I'm gonna take guitar lessons at Yamaha (or suggest a school for that matter).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Random Thoughts

Why do we want to complicate ourselves? Is it because to make ourselves more interesting to others? Is it because we want others to catch us behind our backs? Is it because of pride? There are things that I do that I don't want to do. There are things that I need to be but I don't want to be...Must we always follow the convention? Do we go straight down the road? Do we walk through life or do we live our lives?

Why do I do this? I don't want to do this!!