Sunday, May 24, 2009


For the past weeks, I have been figthing with this feeling inside of me. I don't know. I just feel..alone. It seems like everywhere I go, I feel that way. The people I talk to at the office, the people at home, the people at my Saturday class..everyone. I have received a few text messages to some people but its content seems so superficial. It feels so bad having this drag inside of your, carrying it through out the day, everyday. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry. But it does not lose that feeling. I need a break from this. I need something. Perhaps someone...

"People don't care - I say"

Some say loneliness is a choice. Other say its just a state of mind. But how do I believe that since everyone around you seems to be alright. I envy those people who are so carefree and light, like that they don't care about anything, except happiness.

When will I be truly happy?


eMPi said...

same feeling....

Anonymous said...

Like they say, it's your choice.;)

You can be happy if yyou really want to..take care and smile :D

Anonymous said...

same here...

pero tulad nga ng sabi nila. if you want to be happy.Be!

Anonymous said...

i'm feeling you dude. they say happiness is a choice but sometimes you cant help urself but to feel lonely.

btw, u got a serious blog here. u might want to try blogging via