Friday, December 28, 2007

What is Lost is Lost!


I lost my cellular phone! Its a Motorola SLVR 7 in black.

I was about to celebrate our anniversary this week ( bought it December 2006), but it seems that we cannot spend our time together. *sniffs*

I was returning home from work when I passed by a supermarket ( the last time I saw my phone) near our village and walked to the tricycle stand and went home. I arrived home and greeted my family and went to bed. I didn't really know what happened but when I woke up the next morning, I can't find it!

There are only two possible things that went down. "Nadukutan ako kagabi" or I carelessly let it fall somewhere yesterday night.

It was lost! Oh well...

I learned two things.

First, check your things every now and then. I think it was one moment I didn't bother to check my things and it was gone. So much for procrastination and ignorance.

Two, learning how to let go lost things. No matter how much effort to find something that is impossible to be recovered, you must let it go. ~ You can start anew right?

Hmmm...starting the New Year without a cellular phone. That's something new!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Single Song Lines

1. ".. and the hardest part is letting go not taking part.." - The Hardest Part by Coldplay

2. ".. I may have cried a million tears, I won't drown.." - Invincible by Christian Bautista

3. " ..rebound mo lang pala ako.." - Rebound by Silent Sanctuary

4. " You're way too beautiful girl that's why it will never work.." - Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston

5. " So baby I will wait for you.." - Wait For You by Elliot Yamin

That's the first part.. more to come.. * starts to whine*

Friday, December 14, 2007

Princess and the Pea the Musical

After months and months of singing, acting and dancing, we had our show last December 14, 2007 at Breadcom Theater in Shangri La Plaza.

It was sooooo unforgettable! I had a time of my life. The show was a success as all the people enjoyed the night. The feedback was nice because this is the first workshop I attended and the audience expected something very amatuer but it turned out better than they expected!

Its because my classmates are all good and talented!

I was sad when the show ended because that's the last time I'll sing, act and dance with them..

I miss them already!! *sniffs*

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Waking Up At The Wrong Side Of The Bed

I normally wake up at 5:00 in the morning to work.

Today, I woke up at 5:45..and I feel sober.

I usually listen to a radio program on my way to work at 6:00 in the morning.

Today, I'm still waiting for my hot water...and burned myself at the stove.

I usually get out of the house by 6:15 in the morning.

At that time today, I'm still ironing my dress shirt.

I happen to get on the M.R.T. by 6:45 and have my own seat.

Today, I'm fighting my way just to enter a carriage.

I arrive at the office around 7:15 everyday.

Today, I'm running like hell from the train to the office just to arrive on time. And I'm still late.

Whole day of office work bloopers..." palpak at kamalasan".


A teammate to whom I fancy seems to like the other guy.

*drop dead*

Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Walang mananalo dyan, wala ka dun eh."

I don't know dude, but everything that happened that night was surreal!

I went to at an event*, where my younger brother joined a model search competition.

Since no one in the family can attend; and being the good "kuya" I am, I obliged to accompany him.

The story started when there I was , sitting alone at the bar. A guy seat mate eventually talked to me and we had some conversation going on. ( Its not about him, alright. )

And there I saw a lady wearing a pink spaghetti strap top and blue jeans ( Oh My God! How do I know these things?! ), at the bar too, with her lady friends. I was taken aback at first since a pack of girls cannot be easily preyed (*grins*) upon.

Anyway, as the night went on; after watching bodies at the ramp, drinking alcohol and believing words of wisdom from a stranger, I tried my luck on knowing the girl.

Then an idea suddenly came unto me. What if I do the "note-on-a-tissue and drink" approach? (It was vodka, by the way.) Well, I followed my instincts and did it.

Eventually, as she received the drink and read the note, I saw her smile that would have taken me straight to heaven's gates.

It worked!! She then approached and thanked me.

And I got her number.

*Style Eye Catcher Leg 8 Model Search Competition was held last October 20, 2007 at Cabin Bar, Tomas Morato in Quezon City

Check out the pictures:

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Love Triangle

'Nuff said.

Been here and it broke me. I learned my lesson. I will not commit the same mistake I did.

The girl ( codename "J" ) is a team mate at the office. Since there are only two of us at the team, we eventually became close.

I thought this was it.

I'm gonna start my courting soon...

Now here comes this guy( codename "PJ" ) from our department that started courting her.

They became a bit close, too close I think.

Then one day, J told me that she doesn't want the PJ.

PJ, who's a friend of mine said to me that he fell ( in love) for J.

They both don't know my feelings for the J.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Feeling Half the Man I Am

I had a bad day today. I could sing James Blunt's song over and over again.

Thinking this might be a chance to make her laugh and believe I'm a fun guy, I was around my office crush when I accidentally blurt out the wrong words to the wrong person. In front of her.

"May crush ka sa akin ano?" (You do have a crush on me, right?).

It would have been a different story if I said it to her. But I said it to the messenger, who's a guy by the way. He just looked at me and smiled at me.

Witnessing what just happened, another office mate said " Ilabas mo na kasi ang totoong kulay mo, mahirap itago yan!"( Show your true colors, that's very hard to repress! ).

Talk about the getting a head shot by a cannon. Total wreckage.

By the way, she laughed. Mocking me.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Kobe in Manila

I'm not a hardcore fan of NBA but I respect Kobe Bryant for his playing prowess.

Some say his talent is close to the basketball legend Michael Jordan.

I joined some promo over the radio wherein you need answer a question about Kobe Bryant.

By the way, I'm not into basketball.

When I called in, the DJ asked.."What is Kobe Bryant's height?".


Relying on my minute basketball knowledge and knowing that he plays the guard position,
I quickly replied, " 5' 8!".

Mali. Natabla pa ako ng DJ. ( Dude, if he's 5'8", I can play in the NBA! )

Anyway, lady luck was still at my side the next day when I called in again.

They asked the same question and answered correctly ( 6'6").

Anyway, i won a couple of tickets to see Kobe Bryant in person!

Kobe Bryant in Manila is part of Kobe's Asian Supernatural Tour, wherein he visits underprivilaged children who likes to play ball for his guidance and support.
He's going to be here on September 5 , at the Philsports Arena ( Ultra ) in Pasig City. He also will visit a Nike Park branch at the Fort Bonifacio.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My Theater Frustations...Answered by Trumpets Inc.!

I am a good singer.

I am! And I will be a recording artist.

Well, that was what I thought until I joined a singing competition at the office, and a judge commented on my lack of skill.

Oh well.

But I still want to be a good singer. The best singer perhaps.

So I joined Trumpets Inc. ( answer my frustation )

Trumpets Inc. is a gospel theater group. They have been teaching street dancing, modelling, musical theater and othermusic lessons for almost ten years. The organization was known for their teaching method; the injection of spirituality and morality while conducting their workshops. And with this, they have been successful. Not only in their way of method of teaching, but also their productions! Few of their successful productions include the Little Mermaid, Joseph the Dreamer and Honk. And believe me, these are really big ones.

I haven't watched any of these productions, but I heard very good reviews and feedbacks from friends who have seen them on stage.

I'm getting excited! I'm gonna let you know what happens next on this workshop of mine. Maybe I will not be so single anymore after I attend the first class!

I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Single Moments

1. Everyone(even the pretty girl at the next office cubicle) around you has a girlfriend. You're the only one who doesn't.

2. Sleepless nights.

3. Listening to Coldplay's Fix You. And you seem to get lost in it.

4. Reading Arnold Arre's After Eden. Then you start to believe that the story could happen to you.

5. One Tree Hill. Admit it, pal.

6. You seem to hug your pillow a little bit harder everytime.

7. Browsing your cell's phonebook for the next girl you can invite for a movie.

8. Porn.

9. Ocean Deep by Cliff Richard. Or any other love song you can connect the lyrics to.

10. Asking your parents what age did they get married your mom says " Your dad was 27 then...". Then you say to yourself " I'm 22, I still got 5 years..".

I mean, what's the point of going to the gym if you don't have someone you can show your well toned body, right?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Food Food Food

I've been going on a diet for the last three months to ready myself for my next date.

And its killing me.

I literally starve myself just to lessen the fat deposits already accumulated through out my body.

( "Maintain your 2000 calories per day diet or else.. " said my doctor).

But I found two treasures that can satisfy your sweet tooth and not worry much about your diet! ( Well, sort of..)

1. Holy Kettle Corn Popcorn

I've been bingeing on these for the last month everytime I eat lunch with my office mates, and I don't feel the guilt! It's really good! It's popcorn with a twist, it has a sugary-salty taste that makes it so addicting.

It's best shared. Do not attempt to finish the Big bag all by yourself.

Damage: the Small bag costs 25 pesos while the Big bag is 60 pesos.
Area: They can be found almost anywhere!

2. Cafe Breton

We had a dinner out with my office mates last week and they suggested this place. I've never been to Cafe Breton before but after I tasted their crepes, I really enjoyed it.

Try their Le Magnifique crepe. It has a banana and chocolate filling, topped with almonds, whipped cream and more chocolate. Again, do not attempt to eat this alone. We ordered two of this, we're six, and didn't even finish it!

And its a good date place, by the way. : )

Damage: Their crepes ranges from 150 to 200 pesos and can serve two persons.
Location: Ground Floor, Greenbelt 3


Office Romance - A Go or a Boo?

I have read an article about things that can ruin your career( in other words, can get you fired from your job).

(I do hope you already know those things by the way.)

Anyway, I' m gonna get to the point.

A sentence stated..

" Never start an office romance."


Am I reading this right?

So I thought about it..

I was getting cozy with a pretty girl at the office and I do think were going fine ( We're friends already!) . I really intend to put another foot forward to finally negate my NGSB status. But when I read the article, I doubted.

Read: " Starting an office romance can ruin you career - with a supervisor - it may raise questions about you work abilities. With a subordinate - it may be misconstrued as sexual harassment."

That's when I remembered an elder colleague telling me when during my first days at the company.." Do not shit on your own backyard..especially when it comes to office romance".

He's plainly telling me that DO NOT START a relationship at the workplace.

Being single, I was really excited on meeting( of course, meeting means dating) ladies at the workplace. And there are a lot of beautiful ladies ( Lucky Me! ) where I work.

But when I thought about it, again, maybe it's the right thing to do. It can really ruin you career in a way. For example, if ever I asked for relationship and it didn't work out, there will be a tension between us and the feeling of uneasiness will be felt by both sides and can ruin the atmosphere of camaraderie among us. And of course our colleagues too.

Will I still continue it even if I'm really longing for a relationship?

Now I'm definitely down and in doubt.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

First Time Blogger

Welcome to my Blog.

This blog is for Guys who has No Girlfriends since The Beginning of Dawn.

I intend to share stories, experiences and insights on what is happening to a Single Guy's life; Living without a girl friend.

Dating, Girl Problems, Confusions and everything about being a NGSB.

Hope to see you again.

And if you do know a girl I can date, don't hesitate to contact me.