Monday, August 25, 2008

New Job, New Company, New People, New Experience

Man, I was surprised that I was contacted by Northgate Arinso to be a SAP HR Junior Consultant. So there I went for an interview and got hired after two days! It was surreal!

But I was really thankful I landed on this company and on this job. It has been a dream for me to find a company that trains SAP and be a SAP Consultant.

Anyways, I thank the Lord God for this blessing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Michael Mania

Michael Phelps.

“Records are always made to be broken no matter what they are… Anybody can do anything that they set their mind to."

One of the greatest Olympian of all time.

I have watched all his performances during the Beijing Olympics and he's really spectacular! As a swimmer myself, I consider him my Swimming God.


Events, Results and Times

1. 400 m. Individual Medley - Gold Medal, World Record 4:03.84

2. 4 x 100 m. Freestyle Relay - Gold Medal, World Record 3:08.24

3. 200 m. Freestyle - Gold Medal, World Record 1:42.96

4. 200 m. Butterfly - Gold Medal, World Record 1:52.03

5. 4 x 200 m. Freestyle Relay - Gold Medal, World Record 6:58.56

6. 200 m. Individual Medley - Gold Medal, World Record 1:54.23

7. 100 m. Butterfly - Gold Medal, Olympic Record 50.58

8. 4 x 100 m. Medley Relay - Gold Medal, World Record 3:29.34

Many doubted that he cannot beat the record Mark Spitz set on the 1972 Olympics. But he surpassed this and broke Spitz' record of winning 7 medals in a single Olympic tournament. Career wise, he has 14 medals total. As he said, " All it takes is a little imagination!".

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another One of Them Stressors

Another One of Them Stressors

Call me the No-Girlfriend-Since-Birth type of guy. For the past 23 years of my life, I haven’t had a serious relationship with any girl. I had experiences, mind you. I had a fair share of good dates, bad dates, flings, sex trips, “experiments” and mutual understandings (M.U.). But after all that, I still am looking for that special person that would make me sing the song You and Me (Lifehouse) to her.

So right now I feel flustered.

For the past weekend, I have been struck by depression since my younger brothers have all their girlfriends who can make them feel loved. Unlike me, I’m usually the taong-bahay with my parents. At my age, the people around me seems to pressure me on finding a girlfriend. A relative said once, “ Kuya, kalian ka magkaka-girlfriend? Ikaw nalang ang wala sa ating magpipinsan. Sige ka baka magaya ka sa Tito natin! Hahaha! ” That uncle of mine is gay.

Stress alert!

Who would not be stressed about that?

So whoever you are, please.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back to the Fat Burning Routine

Back to the DEP-ED ( Ultra ) Track and Field in Pasig City for my weekly jogging exercise.

Since its the Olympics season, why not break barriers?

For the past months, I set a personal record of jogging then running 5.6 Km. Then due toxicity and constraints, the next few weeks of exercise seems to be taking its toll since its a downhill performance from there.. from 5.6, 5 then 4 Km..

So here I am, trying to maintain that personal record and break it.

Sweat up!!

I feel f***ed up

Ewan ko ba! Hindi ko pa matalo ang sarili ko. I feel like I 'm gonna burst inside; that something repressed is still hidden inside me. I cannot show them what I really feel inside, I cannot tell them what I think. Everything that I had to say is superficial. Parang naka-depensa ako palagi. I tried showing them my true colors pero parang nandoon nalang sa loob ko, hindi ko na mailabas...galit, sama ng loob, inis..hanggang ganoon nalang ba iyon? I feel lazy. sober. heavy. Pakiramdam ko parang wala na akong pag asa sa lahat nang gagawin ko. Everything I start, I don't end. Palaging ganoon.I feel like no one cares. No friends. Even though they're there, wala pa rin sila. I feel invisible. I feel like I'm a spirit roaming around my life, cared by no one. Then I feel like I do not care. I don't care what they say or do. Lahat nang tao nilalapitan ka lang kapag may kailangan sa iyo. Pagkatapos iiwanan ka nila ere. Mag isa. Mag isa kang babagsak. Everything that you do seems wrong. All decisions that you make tends to fail. All you think is "when will this end?".

When will this end?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Singing the UP Hymm

In relation to the short course I took at UP, I was so surprised that at the graduation, we sang that UP Hymm..UP Naming Mahal.

I'm behind her(no pun intended).

For Swimmers Only

As a swimmer myself, I have to make sure that I comply on these laws:

21 Top Laws of Swimming by Jerry Heidenreich

1. Three of the most important components of swimming are:
technique,technique , technique.

2. Strive for optimum, not maximum, performance.

3. Learn to balance, align, and stabilize your body first.
Everything else will become easier.

4. Seek the path of least resistance.

5. Find the path of most resistance.

6. To become effortless requires great effort.

7. Listen to the water, feel the water, be one with the water. Swim

8. The mind leads the body.

9. The harder you work, the harder you can play.

10. Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.
What you do in practice will determine what you do in meets.

11. The fastest swimmers are the ones who slow down the least.

12. The fastest you ever travel is when you dive off the block and
push off the wall.

13. Slice through the water, don't plow. Make your middle
name"streamline" .

14. Don't think of pulling the water. Learn to anchor your
hands,wrists, and forearms, and hold onto the water. Learn to use
your legs for balance and body stabilization.

15. Power is generated from the hips and torso. Use your shoulders
for your recovery and to generate additional arm speed.

16. Relax from the inside out.

17. Never look back.

18. Attack your race, attack your opponent.

19. Embrace your opponents. They make you a faster, better swimmer.

20. Use visual and mental imagery of yourself achieving and
surpassingyour goals.

21. Swim smart, use your head, and keep your head still.

And the fun part of being a swimmer...

ToP 10 ReAsOnS tO dAtE a ~SwImMeR~

1. They like it wet.
2. They dive right in.
3. Love going fast.
4. Are use to wearing next to nothing in front a group of people.
5. Breastroke is favorite to many.
6. Others like it on their back.
7. They are experts at putting on rubber and can do it fast.
8. They know how to push it and work under HARD conditions.
9. They are firm believers that practice will make you better and will at any time day or night.
10. Are use to doing things again and again till you can't go on any longer.

Cheers to the Commerce Swimming-UST Team!

Gas Prices: A Comment

Found these at a Shell Station near our village.

Signal of a Trend

What do you think?

Its just that the rising oil prices in the world market has taken its toll to every Filipino citizen. Every dollar movement of the barrel prices of oil has great impact on us. From Jan 2007 to June 2008, the average price of diesel and unleaded both raised a 166%. And today, the trend seems to be unforgiving, that it will not drop anytime soon.

Its frustrating sometimes because some companies do take advantage of this and make a crisis out of the predicament. And they're not helping at all. Financial statements of these companies show significant profits and they say that they're still in this "under-recovery" from losses ( importation costs, subsidiary transfer, etc). So with this, the effect is increases in gas prices every week.