Saturday, August 2, 2008

Gas Prices: A Comment

Found these at a Shell Station near our village.

Signal of a Trend

What do you think?

Its just that the rising oil prices in the world market has taken its toll to every Filipino citizen. Every dollar movement of the barrel prices of oil has great impact on us. From Jan 2007 to June 2008, the average price of diesel and unleaded both raised a 166%. And today, the trend seems to be unforgiving, that it will not drop anytime soon.

Its frustrating sometimes because some companies do take advantage of this and make a crisis out of the predicament. And they're not helping at all. Financial statements of these companies show significant profits and they say that they're still in this "under-recovery" from losses ( importation costs, subsidiary transfer, etc). So with this, the effect is increases in gas prices every week.

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