Thursday, September 11, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. Now I've felt what a bum feels like. For the past two weeks( since I left my last job ), I was slacking around the house, basically doing nothing productive. I just eat, sleep, watch television, sleep, play computer games and sleep some more. In those times, a random thought popped in my mind that maybe I can live this way for the rest of my life...thinking again, maybe not.
See this: When you get so darn tired and busy, you think of living like a bum; staying longer in your bed and sleeping in, then stay at your house doing nothing instead of waking up early in the morning just to get you at the office on time. But when you get too unoccupied, you feel like you need to go out there and do something. Human nature? Or just a plain irony of life? We can't get no satisfaction.

2. Have you ever thought that certain occurrences that took place in our lives happen for a reason? That there are no accidents in this life? That all the circumstance you are in is just a small part of the bigger picture you will fit? See this: This is from my own experience. You are employed in a company, then that company joins an event. On that event, another institution spotted you and offered you a better opportunity. Upon meeting that institution, they gladly accepted you to be part of them. Coincidence? Fate? Go figure.

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