Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top

Clean shirt, new shoes
and I don't know where I am goin' to.
Silk suit, black tie,
I don't need a reason why.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
'cos every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

Gold watch, diamond ring,
I ain't missin' not a single thing.
Cufflinks, stick pin,
when I step out I'm gonna do you in.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
'Coz every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

Top coat, top hat,
And I don't worry coz my wallet's fat.
Black shades, white gloves,
lookin' sharp lookin' for love.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
'Coz every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

Got A Job!

Woohoo! After a month of being a professional bum, I finally snagged a job at local I.T./Software Developer specializing in S.A.P.!

And I'm gonna start working there on Monday!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pumapatak Na Naman Ang Ulan....

It has been raining for the past few days, thanks to the typhoon Frank who hit the country. Those winds of up to 120 kph has taken its toll on the city. Frequent brown-outs, roads it. ( No classes too! )

Here's a satellite picture of the typhoon which I picked up from the PAGASA.DOST website.

Well, its the rainy season right? Expect this event to repeat until the next months.

At any rate, we should take the necessary precautions needed during this seasons.

As for me, matutulog muna ako..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wedding Singer? Nah.

June 15 2008. 5:00 PM.

Me, my sister, my brother and his girlfriend and my cousin were invited by an uncle in an exposition at the World Trade Center. To sing and to model.

To be more exact, brother and cousin to model. I, to sing. And my brother's girlfriend to model.

Actually my brother's girlfriend was only there to support my brother but only to find out that she was invited to model right then and there!

My sister to take pictures. Take pictures of us. : )

And it became a day to remember since everyone was given an activity to engage.

And me, I was tasked to sing. We were really advise days prior to the event itself but mind you, we were only given three days! I need to come up with three songs. And I need memorize it.

And before I go further, let me tell you what event happened.

On it fifth year, The Bridal Expo is an exposition the most inventive bridal ideas in the history of wedding. The finest wedding servicer/s were invited to showcase their specialties in the event. Bridal photographers, couturiers and designers, events coordinators, and other miscellaneous wedding servicer exhibit their expertise at the event.

This event is a must-visit for all those soon to be wed couples.

Back to the story, so there, we were invited by our uncle to join the event as models and me, a singer. So there, before our stint, we were pampered by a make up artist to ready us.

Eto pala ang pakiramdam ng inaasikaso ng make up artist.

After the make up, we were asked to dress up. Since I was tasked to sing, I readied myself and dressed up as all others were given dresses and barongs to model. I sent my music to the coordinator and psyched myself.

And the stint begins.

Although still nervous, I went up the stage to sing.

First song. Forgot the lyrics. Every singer's mortal sin. Even though I sung two thirds of the song correctly. Generally a mess.

Second song. Aside from forgetting to mention the last word, almost perfect. At least.

Third song. Not in coordination with the models. Wasn't able to start the song on stage. Sung half of the song backstage and the other half on stage.

All in all. Pasang awa lang ang performance.

Anyway, the others did theirs well.

Wow. So this is the feeling of being a celebrity. Even for a while.

So anyways, after all that, still felt good since not all others are given a chance to showcase their abilities on stage.

After that tiring day, we decided to eat at Jollibee.

And saw a kid eating by himself, unaccompanied by nobody!

I had to share the picture.

So can I be a wedding singer? Nah. Not really.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Reunited Again

There's an alleviating feeling when you see your old friends again. The feeling of nostalgia and excitement is there.

And its been a while when I saw friends in a theater class I attended! After three long years! I actually wondered if they still can recall how I look like! Well, as they say, the heart knows better than the eyes. Its the time you spent together that really matters; the laughs and jokes you shared, issues you talked about, and other more trivial matters you and your friends partook!

Anyway, there are supposed to be five of us who should reunite, but at least three came and we shared a Saturday afternoon at Trinoma and SM North EDSA.

So there, after long walks and talks we decided to eat at a fastfood chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken, since there were budgetary constraints ( mind you, I still haven't got a job and my friends are studying). We shared the afternoon by recalling memories from our theater class with French fries and mashed potatoes.

I also treated them to a cotton candy spree just to make the day more memorable ( and a bit childish) . But who cares?

And to make our afternoon more enjoyable, we decided to watch a movie.

Guess what movie we saw?

Kung Fu Panda! :P ( Hoo - hah! )

And curious enough, I found the characters cute. Especially that fat and lazy panda bear, Po.

I didn't know that movies like these are enjoyable. I actually laughed my heart out on this movie.

Good enough to make my day relaxing.

I really had fun on that day. And I'm looking forward seeing my friends again.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Italian Food + Good Movie = Enjoy!

Friday last week, after my job-related appointment.

My parents invited us to watch a movie at Trinoma. Since I haven't been to the movies lately because of relentless job hunting, I obliged. Because of the persistence of my younger siblings, we watched The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Hmm...Narnia ,huh. The last installment of Narnia I watched was alright( The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) so I wasn't expecting much of the movie.

Sailing through Quezon City's traffic was good until we reached North Avenue! We were stuck there for about 15 minutes. And to think we're near the destination. 'Nuff said. Manila's traffic is always that way...and it was a Friday. It dawned to me to that finding a parking space in Trinoma is tough, especially on a Friday. We just decided to park at the top floor.

At least we were early enough to decide on our watching time, we settled to watch the 8PM schedule. Since the movie was just 30 minutes away, we went to Sbarro to buy dinner to bring in the cinemas. ( and learned that the Pepperoni Stromboli is as good a lunch! )


The movie proper. Watch.

Thinking that the movie was just the same as the previous one, I found myself looking forward to the next episode! The movie was good! Here are the pluses and deltas: ( Disclaimer: Spoiler! )


1. Smart Humor throughout the movie.
2. Great Accent of the actors and actresses. ( Nakakainggit yung accent ni Ben Barnes! )
3. Anna Katherine Popplewell.
4. Special Effects were superb.
5. Storyline was engaging and is not boring.
6. The romance between Prince Caspian and Susan Pevensie made the movie more interesting.

1. Special effects were Lord-of-the-Rings-ish.
2. Bitin!

Kudos to the movie!

I'm on the look out for the next episode.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Creativity Juices, I Summon You! * poof *

Literally. I'm not sure if my creativity left me after I graduated college. I'm trying to find it again. Well, if summoning( I tried.. ) doesn't work, well, I would do what a normal chef would do to get that orange juice..

Squeeze it out of the fruit.

Fruit = Brain.

Squeeze. ( not 7-11, you glutton! )

Imagine the feeling. >_<

Anyways, I heard that a radio station is looking for an artist who can create a logo for them. Hmm.. then I said to myself, why can't I provide a logo for them? So they can see the artist in me. I'm no Picasso but I'll try!

Now, I'm browsing the Internet to look for a model, I have an idea in my mind right now and with the right mix of creativity and a little bit of persistence. And using the right pencil shade, and....



It's alive!!! ( not. )

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Not So Big Day Tomorrow

After three weeks of scavenging jobs in a local newspaper, surfing through the internet(and visiting porn sites as well...) or just walking in with my resume' (and networking with a seat mate who turns out to be school mate or a relative) ; Finally I have a chance of hooking a job! I'll be meeting with an important manager this week and talk about the job offer.

Cool! Not really...

I feel ecstatic but not excited . It's quite confusing.
I feel that the job is not for me. Not because the job is not challenging or good enough but the feeling of self-fulfillment is not yet there. I'm not satisfied. Maybe even motivated. I just need to do this for the sake of having a job and learning a few skills and knowledge along the way.

Let's see what happens.

Well, as I have an appointment, I have to ready the following:

1. Undergarments
2. Ironed Pants
3. Belt
4. Long Sleeved Polo
5. Socks
6. Pair of Black Shoes, shined
7. Tie
8. Jacket
9. Comb
10. Hair Wax
11. Cologne ( hey...)
12. Shades
13. Umbrella
14. Daily Planner
15. Bag
16. Company Documents
17. Wallet - M.R.T. Stored Value Card
18. Handkerchief

Hhmmm.... Let's see though what happens after. Anyway, if a thing is for you, it will come to you no matter what the circumstance.

So help me God.

Sunday, June 1, 2008