Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Reunited Again

There's an alleviating feeling when you see your old friends again. The feeling of nostalgia and excitement is there.

And its been a while when I saw friends in a theater class I attended! After three long years! I actually wondered if they still can recall how I look like! Well, as they say, the heart knows better than the eyes. Its the time you spent together that really matters; the laughs and jokes you shared, issues you talked about, and other more trivial matters you and your friends partook!

Anyway, there are supposed to be five of us who should reunite, but at least three came and we shared a Saturday afternoon at Trinoma and SM North EDSA.

So there, after long walks and talks we decided to eat at a fastfood chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken, since there were budgetary constraints ( mind you, I still haven't got a job and my friends are studying). We shared the afternoon by recalling memories from our theater class with French fries and mashed potatoes.

I also treated them to a cotton candy spree just to make the day more memorable ( and a bit childish) . But who cares?

And to make our afternoon more enjoyable, we decided to watch a movie.

Guess what movie we saw?

Kung Fu Panda! :P ( Hoo - hah! )

And curious enough, I found the characters cute. Especially that fat and lazy panda bear, Po.

I didn't know that movies like these are enjoyable. I actually laughed my heart out on this movie.

Good enough to make my day relaxing.

I really had fun on that day. And I'm looking forward seeing my friends again.


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