Monday, June 2, 2008

A Not So Big Day Tomorrow

After three weeks of scavenging jobs in a local newspaper, surfing through the internet(and visiting porn sites as well...) or just walking in with my resume' (and networking with a seat mate who turns out to be school mate or a relative) ; Finally I have a chance of hooking a job! I'll be meeting with an important manager this week and talk about the job offer.

Cool! Not really...

I feel ecstatic but not excited . It's quite confusing.
I feel that the job is not for me. Not because the job is not challenging or good enough but the feeling of self-fulfillment is not yet there. I'm not satisfied. Maybe even motivated. I just need to do this for the sake of having a job and learning a few skills and knowledge along the way.

Let's see what happens.

Well, as I have an appointment, I have to ready the following:

1. Undergarments
2. Ironed Pants
3. Belt
4. Long Sleeved Polo
5. Socks
6. Pair of Black Shoes, shined
7. Tie
8. Jacket
9. Comb
10. Hair Wax
11. Cologne ( hey...)
12. Shades
13. Umbrella
14. Daily Planner
15. Bag
16. Company Documents
17. Wallet - M.R.T. Stored Value Card
18. Handkerchief

Hhmmm.... Let's see though what happens after. Anyway, if a thing is for you, it will come to you no matter what the circumstance.

So help me God.

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